Filing of E-nomination will facilitate the EPF members to submit pension claims through online and in case of any untoward incident of death it enables smooth filing of claims by the family members. Employees can file E-nomination using the facility provided in Unified Member portal. Hence, all the employers are requested to educate about the benefits of filing e-nomination to all the employees and facilitate them to file e-nomination through online immediately.
Step to update nominee online in epf account
Step 1: Visit https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
and login to your EPF account using UAN number and password.
Step 2: Under the ‘Manage’ tab select the ‘e-nomination‘ option in order to
make a nomination.
Step 3: Now you will be redirected to a new page where you will get a popup
message asking ‘Having Family?’ You will be asked to answer this
through this Yes or NO. You will be asked to specify the specifics of your
nominee if you selected the ‘Yes’ option. And for the same you need to enter
the following details of the family member whom you are going to
nominate: Aadhaar, Name, Date of birth, Gender, Relation, Address, Bank
account details (Optional), Guardian and Photo (not exceeding 100 KB).
Step 4: If you want to add more than one applicant, you can add details of
more than one family member by clicking the option ‘Add row’.
Step 5: If you have chosen ‘No’, then you will be required to specify the total
amount of contribution you want to grant to the person you are nominating
along with the above specifics.
Step 6: Now click on the ‘Save Family Details’ option. For your EPF
account, specify the family member you want to nominate and the amount
of the share you want to grant him or her. If you have more than one
nominee in your EPF account, make sure that the cumulative amount of the
nominees’ share is up to 100%.
Step 7: Now click on ‘Save EPF Nomination‘
Step 8: Details of EPF nominations will be saved effectively. Likewise, you
will also be asked to make an EPS (Employee Pension Scheme) nomination.
As mentioned above, you will be asked to enter similar details. Note, you
can render different EPF and EPS nominations.
Step 9: Go to the ‘e-nomination’ option under the ‘Manage’ tab once the
details are saved successfully. The nominee details that you have saved will
be displayed as a pending nomination to you. To complete the process, you
are required to ‘e-sign’ the nomination made by you. If you want to see the
specifics of your nomination, click on the ‘View’ button.
Step 10: Now you will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter
your virtual ID of your Aadhaar. Once you entered the virtual ID of Aadhaar
and click on ‘Verify’
Step 11: You will be required to choose the tick box again to give your
approval to Aadhaar’s e-KYC services.
Step 12: Now enter your Aadhaar or Virtual ID again and click on ‘Get OTP’.
You will get an OTP on your Aadhaar-linked mobile number.
Step 13: Enter the OTP on the required space to authenticate it and click on
Step 14: Once the OTP has successfully verified the specifics of your
nominee will be saved in the database of EPFO. Under the ‘Manage’ tab,
you can verify the nomination specifics under the ‘e-nomination’ option.